Thursday 6 January 2011

Relocation Stress

  • Parents who are adept at helping their children form relationships are also more likely to be able to assist a child during a relocation. Whatever the case, it's important that parents network with families in their new environment and encourage the child to form new relationships and friends as quickly as possible. One of the better ways to do this is to organise a party and invite as many people as possible and use this as an opportunity for your children to meet new friends.
  • Attend more community events. After settling into a new location, an easy way to get to meet new people is to go to as many community events as possible. This is especially the case where local communities get together to celebrate, no matter what the reason. Street parties, public holidays or even big sporting events can become an opportunity to meet more people and to become more integrated into the local area.
  • One important point to remember is that studies show that adolescents usually successfully integrate into their new environment within a six-month timeframe. One of the reasons for the success occurs when parents are consistent in their behaviour and our continually supporting their children during this time, encouraging them to make new friends and making it easier for them to do so by becoming more involved themselves in the school community, church communities or other local groups.
  • Social media networks can be used to advantage during this period because children still feel a sense of community where they can easily stay in touch with old friends. Sites like Facebook and Twitter make this even easier so, at least in situations like these, you might like to give your children more free play when it comes to using Facebook.

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